It's pouring down rain. Very Seattle. I've covered the new patio furniture, and now I'm trying to get the cushions off and indoors. There's three inches of water on the patio. Yesterday Kevin and I climbed up to Bridal Falls on Mount Index. Went about as high as the Columbia Tower, but much more fun. My calves hurt just the same, however.
The memorabilia for the day is a little Valentine from my then 6-year-old brother Brian. He is now 48, and balding. I remember someone asking him once where he got that white (blonde) hair, and after thinking hard for a minute, he replied, "The milkman."
The memorabilia for the day is a little Valentine from my then 6-year-old brother Brian. He is now 48, and balding. I remember someone asking him once where he got that white (blonde) hair, and after thinking hard for a minute, he replied, "The milkman."