Missed it. Almost exactly 18 years ago. August 20th, 1985. Big Dave's Pig Roast. Music. 30 half barrels of beer. Wonder if it's still going on.
On a joyous contemporary note - my friend Mary, of whom I wrote awhile ago - I believe I told whatever gentle readers I have that I had mailed a card to an address that seemed to have her name on it. That was something like a month ago. I gave up. She called. Yesterday. Talked of old times. Talked LIKE old times. A very good old time it was. Big Dave can have his Pig Roast. I've got Mary back. Good things all around.
On a joyous contemporary note - my friend Mary, of whom I wrote awhile ago - I believe I told whatever gentle readers I have that I had mailed a card to an address that seemed to have her name on it. That was something like a month ago. I gave up. She called. Yesterday. Talked of old times. Talked LIKE old times. A very good old time it was. Big Dave can have his Pig Roast. I've got Mary back. Good things all around.