Ripple Effect

A journal of memories, impressions, ideas and mistakes.

Friday, August 22, 2003

Missed it. Almost exactly 18 years ago. August 20th, 1985. Big Dave's Pig Roast. Music. 30 half barrels of beer. Wonder if it's still going on.

On a joyous contemporary note - my friend Mary, of whom I wrote awhile ago - I believe I told whatever gentle readers I have that I had mailed a card to an address that seemed to have her name on it. That was something like a month ago. I gave up. She called. Yesterday. Talked of old times. Talked LIKE old times. A very good old time it was. Big Dave can have his Pig Roast. I've got Mary back. Good things all around.

Wednesday, August 20, 2003

1983. A rejection letter from Easy Rider. Yes, I've been rejected by Easy Rider, so why didn't I hang myself? Well, it wasn't for writing. It was just a couple of slides. One of my five year old daughter sitting on a '69 Sportster, and one of my friend David sitting on a window ledge watching my boyfriend Steve wrench on his bike - with a three foot snowdrift lining the curb. It's a standard rejection form letter, but it's from Easy Rider. It starts out, "Say:" typed in, and then my name written next to it. It's signed, "Ride safe, Snake."