Our first hot day here in Seattle. When I say "hot", I mean maybe somewhere in the 80's and excruciatingly lovely. Birds are singing (yes, I can hear them), the garden is blooming, and there is so much to be grateful for I won't even mention the sciatica.
All of this is simply to hold my place until I can get something more interesting to write about. The rabbit I pulled out of the Sorting Hat today is simply a stamped envelope (Head of Lincoln, 4 cent postage - has anyone else noticed that the "cent" mark no longer exists on keyboards?) addressed to the First Savings and Loan Ass'n. in Woodstock, IL, and even my fevered imagination can make absolutely nothing out of that. The stamp has not been cancelled.
Well, I could, if I had the time, I suppose. Each and every one of these items is a good beginning for a short story. This one, of course, would be more work. The letters already have a story in them. All they need is fleshing out of plot and dialog. This one calls for drawing a story out of thin air.
He loaned me some money, and sent me this envelope so I could repay the money directly into his account. I spent the money on a bottle of booze for another date. I still have the envelope, haunting me to this day.
No, no. That will never do. That never happened, and it's a boring story anyway.
It's too hot. Mo' later...
All of this is simply to hold my place until I can get something more interesting to write about. The rabbit I pulled out of the Sorting Hat today is simply a stamped envelope (Head of Lincoln, 4 cent postage - has anyone else noticed that the "cent" mark no longer exists on keyboards?) addressed to the First Savings and Loan Ass'n. in Woodstock, IL, and even my fevered imagination can make absolutely nothing out of that. The stamp has not been cancelled.
Well, I could, if I had the time, I suppose. Each and every one of these items is a good beginning for a short story. This one, of course, would be more work. The letters already have a story in them. All they need is fleshing out of plot and dialog. This one calls for drawing a story out of thin air.
He loaned me some money, and sent me this envelope so I could repay the money directly into his account. I spent the money on a bottle of booze for another date. I still have the envelope, haunting me to this day.
No, no. That will never do. That never happened, and it's a boring story anyway.
It's too hot. Mo' later...