Back to the fiancee'. I get a list of names and addresses. A list of community. My new community, should I decided to accept it. Of course we know, I don't, but I did try for awhile.
These are addresses of his aunts, his brothers (three of them), and his best friends. To whom I am supposed to write, I think. Did I request them? I don't remember. Did I write to them? Probably not. Or maybe I did. Where was that hypnotherapists's number anyway? Would that help? Would I remember all the answers to the unanswered questions these letters bring to mind?
What struck me, immediately, on reading this list was that this was a community of people who would have been part of my life for the rest of my life, had I been able to accept it. I suppose the aunts are long gone, but the brothers must still be kicking it somewhere. The friends. Did they remain friends? Are they still close? Did they drift? Larry was not a drifter. Larry was a forever kind of guy. I just wasn't a forever kind of girl. But I didn't know it yet. I didn't know it for another forty years. I'm a slow learner. I have community of my own now. I even have my own family. But there was never another forever kind of guy offering me his community.
These are addresses of his aunts, his brothers (three of them), and his best friends. To whom I am supposed to write, I think. Did I request them? I don't remember. Did I write to them? Probably not. Or maybe I did. Where was that hypnotherapists's number anyway? Would that help? Would I remember all the answers to the unanswered questions these letters bring to mind?
What struck me, immediately, on reading this list was that this was a community of people who would have been part of my life for the rest of my life, had I been able to accept it. I suppose the aunts are long gone, but the brothers must still be kicking it somewhere. The friends. Did they remain friends? Are they still close? Did they drift? Larry was not a drifter. Larry was a forever kind of guy. I just wasn't a forever kind of girl. But I didn't know it yet. I didn't know it for another forty years. I'm a slow learner. I have community of my own now. I even have my own family. But there was never another forever kind of guy offering me his community.