The item for the day is the Carthage College Directory of 1961-1962. This may be the 2nd one of these I have found, so I won't waste any time with it. It prompts no memories today. It has been some time since I have caught up on current events, so I will use my time here today to do just that.
When last we spoke of these things, I believe I was birdwatching. Spring migration is now long over. In the meantime, my mother has died, I went to a Dead show at the Columbia Gorge where Robert Hunter sang a song for me, and spent a week at the Oregon Country Fair, where the highlight of my day was 6:30 a.m. when I came off my midnight to 6 security shift at the Dragon Gate. I had a comfy bed in the woods, lots of Deep Woods Cutters, a great tent and a good book. I thought about mom.
I don't know if I thought about this during OCF, but I think about it now. My mother on a canoe trip into the Boundary Canoe Waters Wilderness in northern Minnesota, southern Canada, with Dad and the fambly - except me. I have flown the nest. I hear this story from a brother. Mom has gone to pee or something in the woods. She returns with a bear story. She had settled herself on a handy stump, and was in the process of utilizing it when she heard a sound behind her. Turning, she saw a large black bear at the edge of the small clearing which held the stump. Needless to say, the bear left, because Mom walked out of the woods a survivor. "Weren't you scared, Mom?" they all asked. "Well, no, not really scared," my intrepid but staunchly modest Lutheran mother replied. "I was just SO embarrassed."
When last we spoke of these things, I believe I was birdwatching. Spring migration is now long over. In the meantime, my mother has died, I went to a Dead show at the Columbia Gorge where Robert Hunter sang a song for me, and spent a week at the Oregon Country Fair, where the highlight of my day was 6:30 a.m. when I came off my midnight to 6 security shift at the Dragon Gate. I had a comfy bed in the woods, lots of Deep Woods Cutters, a great tent and a good book. I thought about mom.
I don't know if I thought about this during OCF, but I think about it now. My mother on a canoe trip into the Boundary Canoe Waters Wilderness in northern Minnesota, southern Canada, with Dad and the fambly - except me. I have flown the nest. I hear this story from a brother. Mom has gone to pee or something in the woods. She returns with a bear story. She had settled herself on a handy stump, and was in the process of utilizing it when she heard a sound behind her. Turning, she saw a large black bear at the edge of the small clearing which held the stump. Needless to say, the bear left, because Mom walked out of the woods a survivor. "Weren't you scared, Mom?" they all asked. "Well, no, not really scared," my intrepid but staunchly modest Lutheran mother replied. "I was just SO embarrassed."