Wheeee------into the wayback machine-----------the year is 1978. I'm still married. To my second husband. But not for long. My daughter is 2. My son is 11. I am the central figure in a very large painting by Charles Munch entitled "6 Women". I am laying in the basic Venus position on a bench, although I do not resemble Venus in the least. Far too skinny. My friend the aforementioned Mary is the figure to the far right. My dear friend Marion, who I must believe to be dead by now, or in her 80's or 90's somewhere, is lying on the floor. I can't remember the name of the woman to the left, but I do remember her. I can see her smiling. My friend, who I worked with at the nursery, is there. Sue painted incredibly beautiful flowers. Ice cream colored flowers, I think I called them in a poem I wrote for her.
I remember posing for this picture. Oh, did I mention - we're all nude. My friend Charles, the painter (he won the top money prize at Wisconsin '78 for this painting, for which I have the brochure with a b&w photo of the painting on the opening page), is/was tall, rather ascetic looking, blonde. He made me lie on this hard bench. No, I couldn't have anything soft underneath me because it would throw the balance of the pose off just ever so much. My elbow is resting on the hard bench. It hurt. I think that's Charles' wife bending over in front of me, grabbing her ankle.
I'm still rather at a loss of the point of the painting. A statement by the Juror, one Ellen Lanyon, painter, of Chicago and New York, says: "Realism, surrealism, mysticism, fantasism, cubism, color conceptualism, constructivism, non-objectivism, opism, popism, optimism and narration..." What! Not Narrism? Can't remember another such string of isms in one place. She is "impressed with the impact of the environment, myth and the desire to communicate a sense of place or state of condition in most of the works." I still don't get it. I think I'm dense. I just liked helping out a friend and being in a big painting with a lot of other friends. I never see these people anymore. I am happy to know we are all still together somewhere.
I remember posing for this picture. Oh, did I mention - we're all nude. My friend Charles, the painter (he won the top money prize at Wisconsin '78 for this painting, for which I have the brochure with a b&w photo of the painting on the opening page), is/was tall, rather ascetic looking, blonde. He made me lie on this hard bench. No, I couldn't have anything soft underneath me because it would throw the balance of the pose off just ever so much. My elbow is resting on the hard bench. It hurt. I think that's Charles' wife bending over in front of me, grabbing her ankle.
I'm still rather at a loss of the point of the painting. A statement by the Juror, one Ellen Lanyon, painter, of Chicago and New York, says: "Realism, surrealism, mysticism, fantasism, cubism, color conceptualism, constructivism, non-objectivism, opism, popism, optimism and narration..." What! Not Narrism? Can't remember another such string of isms in one place. She is "impressed with the impact of the environment, myth and the desire to communicate a sense of place or state of condition in most of the works." I still don't get it. I think I'm dense. I just liked helping out a friend and being in a big painting with a lot of other friends. I never see these people anymore. I am happy to know we are all still together somewhere.