Ripple Effect

A journal of memories, impressions, ideas and mistakes.

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Seems to be a continuation of the last letter. His platoon leader asked him when he had last shined some piece of brass. He replies maybe an hour ago. The PL replies, "There are three things I don't like in the army: warm beer, wet toilet paper, and a liar." He says his platoon sergeant left them to train Cubans at Ft. Knox. I know I'm not always clear as to where he is - Ft. Knox or Ft. Lee - here, he's still basically in basic at Knox.

And apparently, I had suggested Michael Fitzgerald for a boy's name (I am not pregnant!). Have no idea where that came from. He doesn't like it. Wants to name a kid Peter. Wonder if he did.

One side of the page, along the margin, reads: "Tomorrow I have a live machine gun fire over my head." The other side reads, "What is the highest good?"


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