Ripple Effect

A journal of memories, impressions, ideas and mistakes.

Thursday, January 13, 2005

Fiancee' as teacher. Some of us will find this concept familiar. Just because this one is more intelligent than most, does not mitigate the fact that he is attempting to lead me. I should have followed a little more closely, true...should not have rebelled against his ideas as if he were my father. It's not like it's bad advice - and not at all the advice my father would have given me.

"Go to the library often and read the papers there. Read your periodicals regularly. [will they work as well as fiber?] Does the library subscribe to The Nation and The New Republic? If so, get acquainted with them. Also, and still better, check out the NY Times. You'll find some mellow reading there. Try it. Make time."

Here, he gives me an "A", so to speak:

"Your letter on your religious views has been received and you will be receiving my retort soon. What I got to say is still in the press, so to speak. I must say, thought, that yours was a real piece of literature - very good."

Wish to hell I had that letter now. Have no idea what I was talking about. This letter of his would have pleased me. It would also, I think, have sown seeds of rebellion.


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