Ripple Effect

A journal of memories, impressions, ideas and mistakes.

Tuesday, November 30, 2004

A letter from Mom - November 9, 1962 - 42 years ago. She writes at the top - "Better stay a Blondie - while you can, honey!" I must have been talking about dying my hair red. I did, a few years later. I dyed it auburn. When I walked into work (I was working in Chicago), my co-worker said, "Barbara! You look great! You look just like a horse." I think she meant it as a compliment. I couldn't afford to keep it up, so I just had to let it grow out. For a while there, it was red below, blonde above. At least I had real blonde roots.

Thanksgiving holidays are past now, in 2004. I think I still try to out do Mom. I baked four pies, a 15 pound turkey, dressing, garlic mashed potatoes (she would never have made GARLIC mashed potatoes - Dad would never have allowed it). Wild rice with cranberries and toasted almonds. Candied sweet potatoes (with walnuts). Peas and pearl onions. Okay, that last was from a frozen package.

She talks about my trip to Olney, and asks if my fiancee' gets more than one day off. I think this is when I go to meet Larry in Louisville. No wonder I like Thanksgiving.


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