Ripple Effect

A journal of memories, impressions, ideas and mistakes.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Thought I would post a couple of poems here - the ones sent to me by Judy and Robin 45 years ago. They have been living in my file cabinet for all that time, and should see the light of day. They are the poems of 17-year-olds about to graduate from high school But that was a time worth remembering:

Too fast - too fast.
Oh, please wait
You mustn't leave
Not now.
The sun has just risen and
Already the purple ebers of a dying day are visible
Rapidly creeping
The day's last light is fleeting
over the hill.
I trudge again.
So very weary
To face another Dawn.


Rain licked sun. Moistened
tongue on lollipops; each
drop a taste of lemon.



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