Ripple Effect

A journal of memories, impressions, ideas and mistakes.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

The item today is totally obscure and unimportant - a Christmas card from somebody named Paul, completely unknown to me, featuring a group of sugary sweet little baby angels. What can one say about it? Something, I suppose, about the kitsch of Christmas art over the ages - this one seems to have hardly changed since the 60's when it was sent. I'm certain we could find the same one somewhere today. Have some essentials changed so not at all over the last 45 years? Boy, I'm stretching for a topic here, huh?

Switch to present tense - spent the weekend in Olympia with the Washington State Dems and the Progressive Caucus. Hong Tran got elected chair of the State Progs (in opposition to my candidate, Chad), but I'm glad I went and voted anyway. Brandon will have rent soon. Looks like my financial security is assured for the next two months - always like that.

And the big news - got the novel proferred to the Writer's Workshop at Norwescon for April. I think I'm accepted - but then, I think all or most applicants are accepted. I only noticed that people who applied after the deadline would only be accepted if there were room - nothing about people who got their stuff in on time. I did. We'll see.

Whaat this really means is that I now have a 1,000 word synopsis of the novel, as well as the 25-pager, and am nearly ready to send to editors/agents. Nearly ready to make something else up. Something else over 500 pages. Don't worry. Not here.

Babbling - no point in going on. Hope there's something more interesting tomorrow. Bubble bath time. Now.


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