Ripple Effect

A journal of memories, impressions, ideas and mistakes.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

More Christmas cards - handmade - signed Mary. Wonder if this is the elusive Mary Whitley - drawing of Christmas tree with happy skier perched atop it. One of the last places I heard of her was in Boulder, CO - even before that, in Chicago, she had broken a leg skiing. Tucked inside - another card with snail drawings pasted to it - signed Sue, Doug - or Dave - or - ??? - and Barb. Whoever they are.

Wish I could find Mary. I really want to know who she turned into. She had already turned into somebody very interesting. Except for the drinking. I worry about that. Not that I am not still surrounded by drunks I know and love - had a couple of them wandering around the house this morning. But I don't really appreciate it like I used to. Still and all, whoever she turned into, I'd like to see her again.


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