Ripple Effect

A journal of memories, impressions, ideas and mistakes.

Wednesday, May 12, 2004

This letter from the fiancee' dated 6 March 1963 is so lovely, I wish I could share it with everyone, but I simply can't - not that part anyway. It would betray thoughts not mine to betray. Suffice it to say that it still warms my heart years later, makes me smile, and wonder that I was ever able to leave him.

What I can write about is the IBM Selectric. He finds one in an office at the base, and uses it to write the letter. Not so much later, I was working in an office in Chicago, and became a virtuoso on the IBM Selectric. I made my living with it until years later when I discovered the only thing better.....Microsoft Word! I make more mistakes on Word, though, because I can type on it almost as fast as I think, so my fingers trip over my thoughts, so to speak. I could do more than 90 wpm on the Selectric. I loved that machine. I wonder if I think at 90 wpm?


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